Monday, July 25, 2011

Drake Sisters Series by Christine Feehan

I've recently finished reading the Drake Sisters by Christine Feehan. It is a total of seven books. With the exception of the first book all of them are about the standard length for a paranormal fiction book. The first book "Magic in the Wind" is a bit bigger than a short story.

The overall story for the series revolves around seven sisters. The sisters come from a long line of witches. The seventh sister is destined to have seven daughters of her own to continue the Drake line. Normally, when reading a series such as this I run into all the main characters having similar personalities and by the third or fourth book I can't tell you which stories I've already read. They all tend to blend together, and I start getting the characters confused. This series, however, I can see distinct differences between the sisters and since they each come into play during just about every book, you learn to enjoy and appreciate each sister for who she is.

The basic rundown for each book is pretty typical: Meet your heroine, meet your hero. May not be "love at first sight" but definitely "Lust as first sight". Some action packed scenario happens that drives the heroine and hero together. Add in a few sex scenes, and by the end of the book the scenario is resolved and the heroine and hero live happily ever after.

That being said, calling these books typical is the furthest thing from my mind. Each book in itself made me laugh, tear up, sympathize, severely dislike the "bad guy", and wish for my own happily ever after. Ms. Feehan keeps the reader so engrossed in the story, I kept having moments where I would get distracted and have to stop read and it would take me a few minutes to remember that I'm reading a book and not living it. That saying "Couldn't put it down" came into play with each of the seven books. I walked around with my Kindle in my hand everywhere I went. By the time the end of the seventh book came I actually felt sad for having to leave that "world" behind, and made me want to load up book one and start all over again.
The sisters themselves are funny, loving, kind, mischievous, placing others before themselves, willing to risk their own lives, frustrating, hardheaded, and real.

The use of magic is so interwoven in the story that I never had that moment of disbelief. It seemed natural. Too many times in stories about witches/wizards, they start with spell casting and it pops me right out of the story. Never happened here.

I would recommend this series to anyone that enjoys a great paranormal romance story.